Rest, Recovery and Stress Management Guide
If you are to get in shape and stay in shape without having to be “obsessed” with gym you need the following:
· A slight calorie deficit of 250-500 cals (when losing fat without too much muscle), a slight calorie surplus of 250-500 cals (to gain muscle without fat) or too stay +/- 250 calories of your daily calorie requirements to maintain weight
· The ability to train hard and recover well – growth happens during the recovery phase so we can’t overtrain
· And healthy internal systems (immune, nervous, endocrine/hormonal, muscular, lymphatic) that mean we feel our best, look our best and have a good metabolism that does the work for us.
Bit of science to it, but the basics for people who don’t care about science is that all you need to do is to eat well, train well and recover well. The things that hold us back is not moving, being stressed all the time, tired all the time and then having poor coping habits like lots of coffee, stress eating and getting drunk/high.
As a boxer, I personally train at least 10x a week when factoring in sport-specific training, mobility and running alongside work and a social life. So guess what, even though life is busy I can’t afford to be stressed, recovering and eating badly.
In this PDF, you'll find my tips to keep in control during the week so that you don’t turn to binge drinking and eating.
Completely free, all I ask is for your email to join our upcoming newsletter which will have the movement, nutrition, recovery and stress management tips we live by :)
A free guide with tips to recover quickly and keep in control during the week so that you don’t overtrain and/or turn to binge drinking and eating.